Momwe Mungagulire ndi Komwe Mungagule Rocket Pool ( RPL ) - Tsatanetsatane Wotsogola

RPL ndi chiyani?

What Is Rocket Pool (RPL)?

Rocket Pool is a decentralized Ethereum staking pool offering up to 4.33% APR for ETH2 staking. Users can join the Rocket Pool with its decentralized node operator network or run their own nodes with only 16 ETH. In the latter case, they can earn a commission from staking ETH and earn additional RPL rewards from providing RPL collateral, amounting to up to 6.36% APR for ETH and the additional RPL rewards.

Rocket Pool provides liquid staking, meaning users benefit from an increasing exchange rate instead of rebasing their staked collateral, which would be a taxable event. Furthermore, Rocket Pool offers smart nodes: a custom node software allowing anyone to run a node on its network. With losses from bad nodes socialized across the network, users minimize their risk of facing penalties. This is supported by the pool’s open-source and audited smart contracts, which guarantee fully non-custodial staking and a maximum degree of decentralization.

Who Are the Founders of Rocket Pool?

Rocket Pool was launched by David Rugendyke, a senior developer with a computer science background who started designing Rocket Pool in late 2016. He is supported by General Manager Darren Langley, an executive with over 18 years of commercial experience in managing and mentoring development teams, designing application architecture, and delivering exciting digital products for government and financial services. The team is complemented by three blockchain and Solidity engineers with a combined 40 years of experience.

What Makes Rocket Pool Unique?

Rocket Pool essentially offers anyone to participate in ETH2 staking, regardless of their capital investment or level of technological sophistication. Its core premise is to enable the trustless staking of ETH to a network of decentralized autonomous nodes that are underpinned by RPL collateral.

Rocket Pool sees itself as a complement to staking-as-a-service providers. These providers can choose to maximize returns by joining Rocket Pool and running a node, which they receive rewards in ETH and RPL for in return. In this manner, even a big player like Gemini could use Rocket Pool by creating nodes that stake 16 ETH each. This is where Rocket Pool’s staked ETH wrapper rETH comes into play.

rETH is a tokenized version of the staked ETH in Rocket Pool, which allows stakers to engage from 0.01 ETH to up to 32 ETH. By staking their Ether, users receive rETH in return, which automatically accrues staking rewards based on the performance of the entire network of node operators. The value of rETH is protected against slashing through insurance mechanisms, with node operators staking RPL on nodes as collateral for any penalties they incur.

The second way of interacting with Rocket Pool is through Node Staking. Users can deposit 16 ETH and are assigned an additional 16 ETH from users who are depositing ETH and receiving rETH. In essence, you stake your own 16 ETH and 16 ETH on behalf of the protocol. Rocket Pool automatically adjusts its commission rate based on the supply and demand of node operators and available ETH. With this model, node operators are rewarded for providing insurance for stakers in case they are penalized or slashed. Furthermore, node operators must deposit a minimum amount of RPL as a collateral.

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How Many Rocket Pool (RPL) Coins Are There in Circulation?

RPL follows a different approach than most fixed-supply DeFi tokens and introduced a 5% annual inflation. The protocol argues that any value-generating protocol will need to reward its participants. A fixed-supply model would result in this value being generated at the expense of its users.

The newly issued RPL tokens will be emitted as follows:

  • Node Operators staking RPL as insurance collateral (70%)
  • Oracle DAO members providing various oracle data (15%)
  • Protocol DAO Treasury to fund decentralized development (15%)

This model is designed to incentivize the protocol’s key stakeholders and funds further decentralized development. The Oracle DAO members consist of node operators, ensuring that oracle data is reported correctly to the protocol, while the Protocol DAO governs the protocol’s treasury. At the time of writing, the supply of RPL is just over 10 million.

How Is the Rocket Pool Network Secured?

RPL is an ERC-20 token on Ethereum. Rocket Pool has been successfully audited by three separate firms: Sigma Prime, Consensys Diligence, and Trail of Bits. It also runs a bug bounty program to incentivize keeping its protocol safe.

Furthermore, governance of Rocket Pool is split across its Protocol DAO and Oracle DAO. The Protocol DAO is responsible for settings like RPL inflation, rewards, and auctions, the staking requirements and commissions for nodes, and deposits. The Oracle DAO bridges the smart contracts between the Beacon Chain and the ETH1 main chain. Members of the Oracle DAO are several big ETH2 staking clients like Lighthouse, Nimbus, Prysm, ConsenSys Codefi, Blockchain Capital, Bankless, and others.

Where Can You Buy Rocket Pool (RPL)?

RPL is available on UniSwap (V3), Hoo, BKEX, XT.COM, Hotbit, and Bvnex. If you want to learn more about how to start buying cryptocurrencies, you can read more here in our guide.

RPL idagulitsidwa koyamba pa 17th Jul, 2018 . Zili ndi chiwerengero cha 17,922,514.606,585 . Pofika pano RPL ili ndi capitalization ya msika ya USD ${{marketCap} }.Mtengo wamakono wa RPL ndi ${{price} } ndipo uli pa nambala {{rank}} pa Coinmarketcapndipo posachedwa adakwera 25.00 peresenti panthawi yolemba.

RPL yalembedwa pamasinthidwe angapo a crypto, mosiyana ndi ma cryptocurrencies ena akulu, sangathe kugulidwa mwachindunji ndi ndalama za fiats. Komabe, mutha kugula ndalamayi mosavuta pogula kaye Ethereum kuchokera ku kusinthana kulikonse kwa fiat-to-crypto ndiyeno kusamutsa kusinthanitsa komwe kumapereka kuti mugulitse ndalamayi, m'nkhaniyi tikuwonetsani mwatsatanetsatane masitepe oti mugule RPL . .

Khwerero 1: Lembani pa Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange

Muyenera kugula kaye imodzi mwazinthu zazikulu za cryptocurrencies, pakadali pano, Ethereum ( ETH ). Munkhaniyi tikufotokozerani mwatsatanetsatane za kusinthana kwa fiat-to-crypto komwe kumagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri, ndi Coinbase. Kusinthanitsa konseko kuli ndi ndondomeko zawo zolipirira ndi zinthu zina zomwe tidzadutsamo mwatsatanetsatane. Ndibwino kuti muyese onse awiri ndikupeza yomwe ili yoyenera kwa inu.


Zoyenera kwa amalonda aku US

Sankhani Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange kuti mumve zambiri:


Pokhala imodzi mwamasewera otchuka komanso osavuta a fiat-to-crypto, UpHold ili ndi izi:

  • Zosavuta kugula ndikugulitsa pakati pazinthu zingapo, zopitilira 50 ndikuwonjezerabe
  • Pakadali pano ogwiritsa ntchito oposa 7M padziko lonse lapansi
  • Mutha kulembetsa khadi la UpHold Debit komwe mungagwiritse ntchito ndalama za crypto pa akaunti yanu ngati kirediti kadi yokhazikika! (US okha koma adzakhala ku UK pambuyo pake)
  • Ndi yosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito pulogalamu yam'manja komwe mutha kubweza ndalama kubanki kapena kusinthana kulikonse kwa altcoin mosavuta
  • Palibe ndalama zobisika komanso ndalama zina zilizonse za akaunti
  • Pali maoda ochepa ogula / kugulitsa kwa ogwiritsa ntchito apamwamba kwambiri
  • Mutha kukhazikitsa madipoziti obwerezabwereza a Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) ngati mukufuna kukhala ndi ma cryptos nthawi yayitali.
  • USDT, yomwe ndi imodzi mwama stablecoins otchuka kwambiri a USD (makamaka crypto yomwe imathandizidwa ndi ndalama zenizeni za fiat kotero kuti isakhale yosasunthika ndipo imatha kuchitidwa ngati ndalama za fiat zomwe zimakhomeredwa nazo) zilipo, izi ndizosavuta ngati altcoin yomwe mukufuna kugula ili ndi ma USDT okha ogulitsa malonda pa kusinthana kwa altcoin kotero kuti musadutse kutembenuka kwa ndalama kwina mukugula altcoin.
Onetsani Tsatanetsatane Njira ▾

Lembani imelo yanu ndikudina 'Next'. Onetsetsani kuti mwapereka dzina lanu lenileni monga UpHold adzalifuna pa akaunti ndi kutsimikizira kuti ndinu ndani. Sankhani mawu achinsinsi amphamvu kuti akaunti yanu isavutike ndi kubera.


Mudzalandira imelo yotsimikizira. Tsegulani ndikudina ulalo womwe uli mkati. Kenako mudzafunika kupereka nambala yolondola ya foni kuti mukhazikitse kutsimikizika kwazinthu ziwiri (2FA), ndi gawo lowonjezera pachitetezo cha akaunti yanu ndipo tikulimbikitsidwa kuti mutsegule izi.


Tsatirani sitepe yotsatira kuti mumalize kutsimikizira kuti ndinu ndani. Masitepewa ndi ovuta kwambiri makamaka pamene mukuyembekezera kugula katundu koma monga mabungwe ena onse azachuma, UpHold imayendetsedwa m'mayiko ambiri monga US, UK ndi EU. Mutha kutenga izi ngati malonda kuti mugwiritse ntchito nsanja yodalirika kuti mupange kugula kwanu koyamba kwa crypto. Nkhani yabwino ndiyakuti zonse zomwe zimatchedwa Know-Your-Customers (KYC) tsopano zangochitika zokha ndipo sizitenga mphindi 15 kuti ithe.

Khwerero 2: Gulani ETH ndi ndalama za fiat


Mukamaliza ntchito ya KYC. Mudzafunsidwa kuti muwonjezere njira yolipirira. Apa mutha kusankha kupereka kirediti kadi / kirediti kadi kapena kugwiritsa ntchito kusamutsa kubanki. Mutha kulipiritsidwa ndalama zambiri kutengera kampani yanu ya kirediti kadi komanso mitengo yosasinthika mukamagwiritsa ntchito makhadi koma mudzagulanso nthawi yomweyo. Ngakhale kusamutsa kubanki kumakhala kotsika mtengo koma pang'onopang'ono, kutengera dziko lomwe mukukhala, mayiko ena amapereka ndalama zolipirira pompopompo ndi chindapusa chochepa.


Tsopano mwakhazikitsidwa, pa zenera la 'Transact' pansi pa gawo la 'Kuchokera', sankhani ndalama zanu, ndiyeno pagawo la 'Kuti' sankhani Ethereum , dinani chithunzithunzi kuti muwunikenso zomwe mwachita ndikudina kutsimikizira ngati zonse zikuwoneka bwino. .. ndipo zikomo! Mwangopanga kumene kugula koyamba kwa crypto.

Khwerero 3: Sinthani ETH ku Altcoin Exchange


Koma sitinathebe, popeza RPL ndi altcoin tiyenera kusamutsa ETH yathu ku kusinthana komwe RPL ikhoza kugulitsidwa, apa tidzagwiritsa ntchito MXC ngati kusinthanitsa kwathu. MXC ndikusinthana kodziwika kuti mugulitse ma altcoins ndipo ili ndi kuchuluka kwa ma altcoins omwe angagulidwe. Gwiritsani ntchito ulalo womwe uli pansipa kuti mulembetse akaunti yanu yatsopano.

Yakhazikitsidwa mu Apr 2018, MXC ndi msika wapakati wa cryptocurrency wolembetsedwa ku Seychelles. Imathandizira CNY, VND, USD, GBP, EUR, AUD deposit, ndi CNY, VND kuchotsa. Momwe tingadziwire, mabizinesi aku US atha kugulitsa ku MXC. Imapereka malonda mu ndalama za 242 ndipo ili ndi 374 awiriawiri ogulitsa. Iwo panopa ayi. 7 potengera ma cryptocurrencies omwe amathandizidwa kwambiri poyerekeza ndi kusinthanitsa kwina kulikonse malinga ndi Coingecko. Chofunika kwambiri, MXC ili PAMALO pa Decentralized Finance (DeFi) wave ndikuwonjezera kuthandizira ndalama za DeFi.


Pambuyo pochita zofanana ndi zomwe tidachita kale ndi Kwezani , mudzalangizidwa kuti mukhazikitsenso chitsimikiziro cha 2FA, malizitsani chifukwa chikuwonjezera chitetezo ku akaunti yanu.

Khwerero 4: Ikani ETH kuti musinthe


Kutengera ndondomeko zakusinthana zomwe mungafunikire kuti mudutsenso njira ina ya KYC, izi nthawi zambiri zimakutengerani kuchokera pa mphindi 30 mpaka mwina masiku angapo. Ngakhale ndondomekoyi iyenera kukhala yolunjika komanso yosavuta kutsatira. Mukamaliza nazo muyenera kukhala ndi mwayi wofikira ku chikwama chanu chosinthira.


Ngati ino ndi nthawi yanu yoyamba kupanga ndalama za crypto, chophimba apa chikhoza kuwoneka chowopsa. Koma musadandaule, ndizosavuta kuposa kusamutsa banki. Pabokosi lomwe lili kumanja, muwona mndandanda wa manambala achisawawa akuti ' ETH adilesi', iyi ndi adilesi yapadera yachikwama chanu ETH pa MXC ndipo mutha kulandira ETH popereka adilesi iyi kwa munthuyo kuti akutumizireni ndalamazo. . Popeza tsopano tikusamutsa zomwe zidagulidwa kale ETH pa Kwezani kupita ku chikwama ichi, dinani 'Matulani Adilesi' kapena dinani kumanja pa adilesi yonse ndikudina kuti mutenge adilesiyi ku bolodi lanu lojambula.

Tsopano bwererani ku UpHold, pitani pazithunzi za Transact ndikudina ETH pagawo la "Kuchokera", sankhani ndalama zomwe mukufuna kutumiza ndipo pagawo la "Ku" sankhani ETH pansi pa "Crypto Network", kenako dinani "Preview kuchotsa" .

Pazenera lotsatira, ikani adilesi yachikwama kuchokera pa bolodi lanu, kuti muganizire zachitetezo muyenera kuyang'ana ngati ma adilesi onse awiri akufanana. Zimadziwika kuti pali pulogalamu yaumbanda yamakompyuta yomwe ingasinthe zomwe zili mu clipboard yanu kukhala adilesi ina yachikwama ndipo mudzakhala mukutumiza ndalama kwa munthu wina.

Mukawunikiranso, dinani 'Tsimikizirani' kuti mupitirize, muyenera kulandira imelo yotsimikizira nthawi yomweyo, dinani ulalo wotsimikizira mu imelo ndipo ndalama zanu zili panjira yopita ku MXC !


Tsopano bwererani ku MXC ndikupita ku zikwama zanu zosinthana, musadandaule ngati simunawone gawo lanu pano. Mwina ikutsimikiziridwabe mu netiweki ya blockchain ndipo ziyenera kutenga mphindi zochepa kuti ndalama zanu zifike. Kutengera kuchuluka kwa magalimoto pa netiweki ya Ethereum , nthawi yotanganidwa imatha kutenga nthawi yayitali.

Muyenera kulandira zidziwitso zotsimikizira kuchokera ku MXC kamodzi wanu ETH wafika. Ndipo tsopano mwakonzeka kugula RPL !

Gawo 5: Kugulitsa RPL


Bwererani ku MXC , kenako pitani ku 'Exchange'. Bomu! Ndi mawonedwe otani! Ziwerengero zomwe zikugwedezeka nthawi zonse zitha kukhala zowopsa, koma pumulani, tiyeni tiyang'ane mitu yathu mozungulira izi.


Pagawo lakumanja pali bar yofufuzira, tsopano onetsetsani kuti " ETH " yasankhidwa pamene tikugulitsa ETH ku altcoin pair. Dinani pa izo ndikulemba " RPL ", muyenera ETH RPL , sankhani ETH ndipo muyenera kuwona tchati chamtengo wa RPL pakati pa tsamba.

Pansipa pali bokosi lomwe lili ndi batani lobiriwira lomwe likuti "Gulani RPL ", mkati mwa bokosilo, sankhani tabu ya "Msika" popeza ndiwo mtundu wowongoka kwambiri wamaoda ogula. Mutha kuyika ndalama zanu kapena kusankha gawo la gawo lanu la ETH lomwe mukufuna kugwiritsa ntchito pogula, podina mabatani aperesenti. Mukatsimikizira zonse, dinani "Buy RPL ". Voila! Mwagula RPL !

Gawo Lomaliza: Sungani RPL motetezeka m'matumba a hardware

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Ngati mukukonzekera kusunga("hodl" monga ena anganene, kupeka molakwika "kugwira" komwe kumatchuka pakapita nthawi) RPL yanu kwa nthawi yayitali, mungafune kufufuza njira zotetezera, ngakhale Binance ndi m'modzi mwa kusinthanitsa otetezedwa cryptocurrency panali zochitika kuwakhadzula ndipo ndalama zinatayika. Chifukwa cha momwe ma wallet amasinthira, amakhala pa intaneti nthawi zonse ("Hot Wallets" momwe timawatchulira), kuwonetsa zovuta zina. Njira yotetezeka kwambiri yosungira ndalama zanu mpaka pano ndikuziyika mumtundu wa "Cold Wallets", pomwe chikwamacho chimangopeza blockchain (kapena "pitani pa intaneti") mukatumiza ndalama, kuchepetsa mwayi wopeza. zochitika zakuba. Chikwama cha pepala ndi mtundu wa chikwama chozizira chaulere, kwenikweni ndi ma adilesi agulu ndi achinsinsi omwe amapangidwa popanda intaneti ndipo mudzazilemba penapake, ndikuzisunga bwino. Komabe, sichiri cholimba ndipo chimakhudzidwa ndi zoopsa zosiyanasiyana.

Chikwama cha Hardware apa ndiye njira yabwinoko yama wallet ozizira. Nthawi zambiri zimakhala zida zolumikizidwa ndi USB zomwe zimasunga zidziwitso zazikulu za chikwama chanu m'njira yokhazikika. Amamangidwa ndi chitetezo chamagulu ankhondo ndipo firmware yawo imasungidwa nthawi zonse ndi opanga awo ndipo motero amakhala otetezeka kwambiri. Ledger Nano S ndi Ledger Nano X ndipo ndi zosankha zodziwika kwambiri m'gululi, zikwama zandalamazi zimawononga $50 mpaka $100 kutengera zomwe akupereka. Ngati muli ndi katundu wanu, ma wallet awa ndi ndalama zabwino m'malingaliro athu.

Mafunso Ofunsidwa Kawirikawiri

Kodi ndingagule RPL ndi ndalama?

Palibe njira yachindunji yogulira RPL ndi ndalama. Komabe, mutha kugwiritsa ntchito misika monga LocalBitcoins kuti mugule kaye ETH , ndikumaliza masitepe ena onse posamutsa ETH yanu kumagulu a AltCoin.

LocalBitcoins ndi kusinthana kwa Bitcoin kwa anzawo. Ndi msika komwe ogwiritsa ntchito amatha kugula ndikugulitsa Bitcoins kwa wina ndi mnzake. Ogwiritsa ntchito, otchedwa amalonda, amapanga malonda ndi mtengo ndi njira yolipira yomwe akufuna kupereka. Mutha kusankha kugula kuchokera kwa ogulitsa kuchokera kudera lina lapafupi papulatifomu. ndi malo abwino kupita kukagula Bitcoins pamene simungapeze njira zolipirira zomwe mukufuna kwina kulikonse. Koma mitengo nthawi zambiri imakhala yokwera papulatifomu ndipo muyenera kuchita khama lanu kuti mupewe kubedwa.

Kodi pali njira zachangu zogulira RPL ku Europe?

Inde, kwenikweni, Europe ndi amodzi mwamalo osavuta kugula ma cryptos ambiri. Palinso mabanki apaintaneti omwe mutha kungotsegula akaunti ndikusamutsa ndalama kumisika monga Coinbase ndi Uphold.

Kodi pali njira zina zogulira RPL kapena Bitcoin ndi kirediti kadi?

Inde. ndiyosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito nsanja pogula Bitcoin ndi kirediti kadi. Ndikusinthana kwa ndalama za Digito pompopompo komwe kumakupatsani mwayi wosinthanitsa ma crypto mwachangu ndikugula ndi khadi yakubanki. Mawonekedwe ake osuta ndi osavuta kugwiritsa ntchito ndipo masitepe ogula amangodzifotokozera okha.

Werengani zambiri pa zoyambira za Rocket Pool ndi mitengo yamakono apa.

Nkhani Zaposachedwa za RPL

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